The Application of Miniature Bearings
Main uses of miniature bearings
Miniature bearings are suitable for various industrial equipment, small rotary motors and other high-speed and low-noise fields, such as:
Office equipment bearing , micro motors, instruments, laser engraving, small clocks, soft drives, pressure rotors, dental drills, hard disk motors, stepping motors, video recorder drums, toy models, computer cooling fans, currency counters, fax machines And so on related fields,we also can produce for handpiece dental drill steel ball bearings.
ZZ BEARINGs can produce large type of miniature bearing for you , we have a large number of stocks, fast dispastch can provide for you :
Here is some mini bearings for your reference:
682 682ZZ MR52 MR52ZZ 692 692ZZ 683 683ZZ MR83 MR83ZZ 693 693ZZ 603 603ZZ 623 623ZZ MR74 MR74ZZ MR84 MR84ZZ 684 684ZZ MR104 MR104ZZ 694 694ZZ 604 604ZZ 624 624ZZ MR85 MR85ZZ MR95 MR95ZZ MR105 MR105ZZ 685 685ZZ MR115ZZ 695ZZ 605ZZ 625ZZ MR106 MR106ZZ MR126 MR126ZZ 686 686ZZ 696ZZ 606ZZ 626ZZ MR117 MR117ZZ MR137 MR137ZZ 687 687ZZ 607ZZ 627ZZ MR128 MR128ZZ MR148 MR148ZZ 688 688ZZ 698ZZ 608ZZ MR149 MR149ZZ 689 689ZZ 609ZZ 629ZZ 639ZZ
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